Sunday, October 1, 2017

Flying Free

"This is Water," it is probably one of the best speeches I've ever heard. Funny enough, one of my favorite things to do is swim. Being in the water gives me time to think, time to relax, a chance to reflect on whatever I need to. When I am in the water, I am free. Water and Wallace's ideas conveyed through his speech are actually the basis for the name of my blog- Two Be Fly 'n Free.

For starters, Fly 'n Free has a double meaning. If you happen to know about swimming, there are four strokes used by swimmers. These are backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and front crawl, also known as freestyle. I'm sure it is more obvious now that my title comes from the two latter strokes. Of the four, those are my favorite. It just so happens that when you put them together, butterfly and freestyle, you achieve a small phrase that describes the feeling I get whenever I swim, fly 'n free.  But this phrase is not just about swimming, for me, it is also about life.  This is where "Two" and "Be" come in (There is a reason it is "Two" and not "To", but that is for another time).  Why? Because it makes an unfinished sentence: Two Be Fly 'n Free. But how does one fly free exactly anyway? It is explained exactly with Wallace's words. To be free, is to be aware, to be always thinking about more than yourself, and going beyond the "Default- setting" as Wallace puts it. It means exploring and wondering, questioning and learning. To be free is to be enlightened, looking at more than what is just in front of you.

These things are the reason I chose this blog name. It is a place for me to look at the world I live in, marveling at the words, the history, the people around me. It is a place for me, other than the water, to ever finish the sentence "To be flying free"


  1. Wow Sonja this is really creative, and I love that you were able to tie the lesson into your own motto. I've honestly wondered quite a bit what it means, and I love the way you look at life; it really gives you room to do things your way and be free to any kinds of answers life might give you.

  2. Sonja, I loved how you connected one of your interests to the speech we read in class. This post was very well-written. (But I still can't believe you actually prefer swimming butterfly!)
