Sunday, October 29, 2017

Do So Directly

"They were sitting at either end of the couch, looking at each other as if some question had been asked, or was in the air, and every vestige of embarrassment was gone."

                                                                            F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

"Communication is key"- This was the exact phrase passing through my head  as I imaged Gatsby sit with Daisy for the  half hour Nick was not present to watch them exchange feelings and take a 180 degree turn on the mood. But the scene really demonstrates the saying to be quite true. Befor Gatsby is more comfortable with Daisy, they exchanged clumsy, awkward greetings in a way that would make anyone cringe with embarrassment. At one point Gatsby even childishy cries to Nick, regretting his decision to meet with her. It was more than likely he though that Daisy would not reciprocate his feelings, figuring she wanted nothing to do with him. Amazingly enough though, between the time they get together and the time Nick rejoins them, the two speak about- although explicitly unknown to the reader-their past and the feelings held between them. It was not even a long time frame, where the two could have gone back and forth, hinting but never quite actually saying what they intended.

It just goes to show that the more direct one is about a situation, the more likely the truth will spill out, whether it be favorable or not. I have a friend who is especially good at this. Conveniently, it was only just recently I had discussed with her about such a character trait. She's only ever had good things to say about being exact on what she means, instead of beating around the bush, hoping whomever she speaks to can take the hint. It is also something I definitely appreciate about her as well; there are never guessing games. Although it is a hard thing to do, to communicate the honest truth can be the difference between an awkward exchange or the warm remembrance of an awoken past.

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