Sunday, November 5, 2017

Live On and Remember

Pain would seem like something people want to try forget, it is after all, not exactly the most enjoyable thing out there. So why is it then, that people choose to remember, to mourn, to look back upon such things- Why do people want to go back to those times and think about them? It logically doesn't really make sense. Life would probably be much simpler and easier without such memories. But they do; They look back on those days, and remember.

Everything people experience, whether it be good or bad, allows them to grow into who they are and who they become as life goes on. If one only remembers half of all that happens, then the turnout is only half-baked. Remembering pain is accepting it, but it is not a defeat. It does not mean that you are done because it happened. It means you go on knowing you won't let such things stop you from looking forward. Take the instance on September 11th, 2001, where many were killed, and the World Trade Center was destroyed. People could have chosen to forget; have the building rebuilt, the rubble disposed of. All could again be "fine and dandy." But not only would that be truly killing the many who died, but it would also have stopped the progression of growth for the country. A period where people discovered that they would not let a tragedy end their wish to survive, and could choose to live for those who passed on, changing the country and creating a future where such tragedies can be avoided.

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